The Angry Birds Movie Soundtrack



Angry Birds Theme

The song was composed by Ari Pulkkinen, who also composed and supervised other variations of the song, specifically the ones seen in Angry Birds Seasons.

angry birds music

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Angry Birds (gamerip) (2009) MP3

2023年8月22日 — Download Angry Birds (gamerip) (2009) album to your PC for free as MP3. Free Angry Birds (gamerip) (2009) soundtracks, Angry Birds (gamerip) ...

Angry Birds Music Collection

Angry Birds Music Collection ; Angry Birds Main Theme. 1 · 1:11 ; Angry Birds Seasons: Go Green, Get Lucky (Saint Patrick's Day Level). 2 · 1:21.


ThesongwascomposedbyAriPulkkinen,whoalsocomposedandsupervisedothervariationsofthesong,specificallytheonesseeninAngryBirdsSeasons.,2020年3月7日—AngryBirdsAction!(FromAngryBirdsAction!)IlmariHakkola-AngryBirdsAction!(FromAngryBirdsAction!,2023年8月22日—DownloadAngryBirds(gamerip)(2009)albumtoyourPCforfreeasMP3.FreeAngryBirds(gamerip)(2009)soundtracks,AngryBirds(gamerip) ...,AngryBirdsMusicCollec...

Angry Birds生氣鳥佈景主題(Windows 7專用)

Angry Birds生氣鳥佈景主題(Windows 7專用)
